Companies and individuals are being urged to re-evaluate how well their vehicles are protected against the winter weather as temperatures are set to decrease.

The recent forecast predicts that the UK is set to receive another cold winter, despite last year being one of the mildest on record. While temperatures were surprisingly high in the 2013/2014 winter months the UK saw a high volume of other severe weather. The disruption and problems caused for many business’ in recent years due to the colder weather has strengthened the need to be better protected and to plan in advance when it comes to car care. The halt in productivity that the weather has caused in the past for many companies across the nation that use regular transport has caused countless problems.

A combination of extreme weather and ill-protected vehicles is the reason behind most of the damage and disruption seen in the winter. For many cars the weather doesn’t need to disrupt most of the day-to-day activity and while delays are to be expected lasting damage to vehicles doesn’t have to be a certainty. With a few extra precautions most company vehicles and personal cars can cope with the fluctuating temperatures and potential problems during the winter.

Allstar fuel card services have compiled a list of the common motoring risks associated with the winter and created an infographic which provides help and advice on how to approach any problems that are likely to occur. The cold can damage a vehicle in more ways than most motorists are aware of. With problems such as reduced tire pressure, thickening fluids and battery failure incredibly common the proper precautions to avoid breakdowns are important to take.

The winter checklist provided by Allstar identifies many of these common problems and provides easy to manage solutions that most motorists can do from their homes. During busy business times where transport can’t be disrupted keeping a check on these problems can mean the difference between a successful and troublesome winter.

Be Cautious

Expanding on everyday checks to cover those areas where cold can damage your vehicle the most is an advised precaution to take. Many motorists don’t know to change their normal checks to comply with the change in season but doing so can be a great identifier for any occurring problems. Tire tread especially in the winter is important, having adequate tire tread will work to help stop vehicles from losing control on icy surfaces and becoming a risk to the driver and everyone else on the road.

Including winter specific tools alongside the normal emergency car supplies will make a breakdown much easier to handle. Waiting periods for breakdown cover in the winter will generally increase compared to normal time. Aiding the breakdown cover with your own tools and preparing for the wait could reduce the delay considerably. Items like extra water, scraps of carpet for increased traction in the snow and reflective jackets are always ideal to have available.

Each motorist that prepares their car for the winter helps to keep other safes on the road. The proper precautions for winter can, in some cases, mean the difference between safe driving and avoidable accidents.