element14, an online engineering community hosted by Premier Farnell has launched ‘A Day in the Life of an Engineer’, which is an online video challenge. The competition is open to electronics design engineers and enthusiasts worldwide and will close to entries on January 31st, 2012.

Entrants are invited to ‘tell their story’ by submitting a video blog to:


The choice of topic can be anything from a video blog about a designer’s workbench, to highlighting how a problem was solved or just taking a camera into work and talking about daily challenges around the office. It can even be about what people think the next big innovation needs to be across the electronics industry.

The videos will be judged on their creativity by a panel of element14 peers and the winner will receive an iPad2.

In addition, one winner will be randomly selected each week to receive a selection of element14 branded merchandise from that week’s entrants, which include those who comment, vote or post videos on the site.